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What is fame Lady Squad?

Fame Lady Squad has one of the most interesting and inspiring stories in the generative NFT world. They launched in early July and quickly gained a lot of positive momentum for being the first all-female led NFT project. There was just one small problem: The female founders were actually a group of men…

Who are the women in the'squad'?

The Squad is the informal name for a group of four progressive women elected in the 2018 United States House of Representatives elections, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

What is the mom squad?

Meet The Mom Squad, our first ever variety pack! This 8-pack includes two of each flavor. Mom Water has zero sugar, zero carbs, and no artificial flavors or preservatives. Ingredients: Water, Vodka, Natural Fruit Flavors, Citric Acid Nutrition Facts: Per 12 FL OZ: 90 calories, 0g Fat, 0g Carbohydrates, 0g Sodium, 0g Sugar

Who are the lunch lady squad?

Students at Wellington Landings Middle School in Palm Beach County, Florida, have the privilege of rubbing shoulders with a group of very popular cafeteria workers: the Lunch Lady Squad. @lunchladysquad #lunchladysquad #thatsnotmyname #weloveourstudents #@jimmyfallon #@steveharvay #@wptv5 ♬ That’s Not My Name – The Ting Tings

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